浪漫台三線藝術季 Romantic Route 3 | 客家慢 Slow Time
Romantic Route 3 is a Hakka Landscape Art Festival that takes place along Provincial Highway 3. It spans 5 counties, stringing together numerous Hakka villages and uniting over 150 kilometers of land rich with Hakka culture.
The general public is largely ignorant of authentic Hakka culture. In facing this audience, we’ve chosen to avoid such stereotypical elements as Tung Tree blossoms and floral-print fabrics. Instead, we’ve opted for two image promo with which to lead you into the uniquely Hakkanese Slow Culture found along Provincial Highway 3.
《慢的浪漫》篇 | Romance of Slow Culture
“Romance of Slow Culture,” skillfully employs poetic imagery recited in whispered tones to reveal the tender, unhurried daily lives of the Hakka people along Provincial Highway 3. Chinese characters move across the screen, telling tales of slowly dispersing fog, of basking in the sun’s heat, of things slowly steamed to perfection, and more. There is romance to be found in a willingness to spend time patiently cultivating the finer things in life.

《浪費時間指南篇》 A Guide to Slow Time
“A Guide to Slow Time,” takes a person traveling along Provincial Highway 3 as its central theme. It rejects preconceived notions of time, disassembling the concepts of year, day, minute, and second into ever smaller increments to reveal that those who truly value time are the ones who know how to take it slow.

Creative Agency / 白輻射影像 Whitelight Motion
Client:客家委員會 Hakka Affairs Council
Director:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon
Creative:孫非比 Phoebe Sun/鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng/高櫻芳 Ying Fang Kao
Storyboard:鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng/高櫻芳 Ying Fang Kao
Copywriter:孫非比 Phoebe Sun
Project Manager:林彥君 Janice Lin
Editor:鄧楷蓉 Kaijung Teng(慢的浪漫)、陳景頤 Jin-Yi Chen(浪費時間指南)
Color Grading:洪鈺堂 Rex Hon(慢的浪漫)、意象影像 i-View Post Production(浪費時間指南)
Graphic Designer:徐毅驊 Yihua Hsu(慢的浪漫)、石曦璇 Xi Shih(浪費時間指南)
Logotype:林姿吟 Ziyin Lin(浪費時間指南)
Motion Designer:余添葆 Richard Yee
Producer:蔡孟庭 Tintin Tsai
Production Assitant:劉文綺 Wenqi Liu/江裕禧 Yuxi Jiang/林韋廷 Weiting Lin
Director of Photography:黃語宥 Yuyu Huang
1st Assistant Cameraman:林川哲 Chuanzhe Lin
Assistant Cameraman:新彩 HsintsaiAD
Gaffer:紀朝元 Chaoyuan Ji
Assistant Gaffer:許富嘉 Fujia Hsu/吳思賢 Sixian Wu
Aerial Photography:小蔡影像工作室 Tsai’s Aerial Movie Studio - Asia
Aerial Cameraman:葉凭鑫 Ye Ping Xin
Assistant Aerial Cameraman:柯建銘 Sam
Scoring Mixer:黃榮毅 Eazie Huang(慢的浪漫)
Music & Sound Design Production:健康合作音樂製作(浪費時間指南)
Voice Over:賴予喬 Yu Chiao Lai
Recording Studio:擎天信使音樂製作有限公司 GTXS STUDIO
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